Jan 12, 2011

6 steps to overcoming obesity - part 2

This is a continuation from a blog I follow  of a pastor named Perry Noble, who is the senior pastor of the NewSpring Church, in Anderson, SC.  This is a fast growing church reaching thousands every week with the message of Christ and the Bible.
source:  www.perrynoble.com

Here are the rest of the steps that I began writing about in yesterday’s post…
#2 – Take Personal Responsibility For Your Physical Condition
We live in America…where there are seemingly no longer any sinners, only victims of what a “very cruel world” has done to them.  So…because of this we can blame McDonalds for our kids being overweight and can blame our physical condition on our parents, our geographical location, the travel required by our job and even Santa Claus for being such a bad example!
I want to be clear…I was obese because I kept shoving food into my mouth…PERIOD!  No one came to me and shoved twinkies in me until I just about exploded!  AND…it didn’t get better until I stopped BLAMING people and circumstances for my problem and took responsibility (and you won’t either!)
#3 – Adjust Your Calorie Intake
Yep, it really is that simple…I stopped consuming as many calories and BAM…I really did lose weight.  AND…let me be clear, this was HARD for me.  I had to cut out sweet tea (because I would drink six or seven glasses per meal), I had to cut out soft drinks.  I had to cut out unhealthy snacks.  I had to cut out going back for seconds and thirds and fourths…
Many people are in bondage to food simply because they refuse to make the necessary adjustments that they already know they need to make!
#4 – Understand That It Takes Time
You are NOT going to lose 100 pounds in 100 days.  You are not going to have washboard abs in four weeks.  In the beginning the weight WILL come off quickly because your body is going through changes.  BUT…trust me on this one, eventually you WILL hit a wall…and it will discourage the heck out of you.  You will become frustrated and want to give up…DON’T.  When this happens understand that you need to continue to dig deep and make additional adjustments in order to shock your body all over again.
(BTW…PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don’t chase “fad diets!”  Yes, they take the pounds off quickly…but in nearly EVERY instance of someone I know chasing a diet like this they ALWAYS put the weight back on.  It is all about a lifestyle adjustment!)
#5 – Exercise
Let me be very clear here…before you begin ANY TYPE of diet and exercise routine you should set up an appointment and talk with your doctor!!!  AND…if you don’t know what to do in the gym then PLEASE make the investment into a personal trainer…at least long enough to help you get started!!!
Exercise, for me, has become a daily habit.  It really does relieve stress and helps me to prepare for the day ahead.
And yes, it’s hard!  And yes, it takes effort.  And yes, there are going to be days when you don’t feel like doing it…those things come with the territory!  BUT…just like you can’t claim that you care about your car if you don’t see that it is getting the proper maintenance…don’t claim you care about your body if you aren’t doing the same for it.
#6 – Understand that you CAN do this!!!
Seriously…if I can lose weight then ANYBODY can.  Because…I LOVE FOOD!  Seriously, I LOVE the taste of a great steak!  I LOVE dessert, especially white chocolate ones!  I LOVE sweat tea (and so does Jesus!)  I LOVE just about everything that is NOT good for you!!!
AND…honestly, losing weight and maintaining where I am currently is a BATTLE.  I constantly have to remind myself of what the Scriptures say in Philippians 4:13!
BUT…if I can do this…so can you!!!  No temptation can overcome someone who is in Christ (I Corinthians 10:13!)  This issue IS NOT BIGGER THAN CHRIST IN YOU…in Him you have the discipline, the potential and the victory just waiting on you to LIVE IN IT!  (See I Corinthians 15:57-58)  You CAN do this…and trust me, when you do you will feel SO MUCH BETTER…you will have the ENERGY to do what you want and need to do and you will have the INTEGRITY to speak to others about how to get past the issues that hold them back…because you fought the one that held you back!

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