Jan 7, 2011

alkaline foods

Hippocrates, the father of medicine, said:  "Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food."

One of the many online tips I have seen for controlling GERD has to do with the use of an Alkaline foods eating regimen.  I prefer not to call it a diet.  The alkaline approach is complex, yet simple.  Human blood pH should be slightly alkaline.  The pH scale is from 0-14 meaning that the recommended medical blood alkaline range should be 7.35 - 7.45.  This would look something like this on a scale:
0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  healthy  8  9  10  11  12  13  14

My desperation to find natural solutions for fighting GERD spurred my deeper interest in this topic.  After reviewing dozens of websites and resources I found this resource and highly recommend it to you:

comprehensive list of Acid / Alkaline Forming Foods

I have come to appreciate this natural approach to managing GERD.  I have tried it for the last 6 months and I do believe it has helped me.  Understanding the differences between "alkalizing" and "acidifying" foods really opened my eyes to some of the problems I was causing myself.  Also, some foods that I had considered to be taboo for me to eat, I can now enjoy.  A prime example is fresh pineapple.  Unprocessed fresh pineapple is almost always available.  A ripe fruit will yield a bowl full of delicious sweet pineapple.  I had always viewed fresh pineapple as an acid because it has caused ulcers in my mouth before when eating too much.  However, when studying the above material (and other resources), I do believe the premise that when fresh pineapple is digested, it digests as an alkaline, NOT an acid.  This list contains many other food items that I had always considered to be acidic in digestion, but in reality are alkaline.  By following the guidelines for alkaline foods I have been able to obtain a noticeable decrease in my GERD symptoms.  I am so thankful for this knowledge!

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